How do I request a mentor.


Beginning 9pm on April 2nd, 2024 you can submit a request. All requests must be received no later than 9pm on Monday, April 8th, 2024. If you submit early your request will be rejected.

The requests must be received from submitting the online form following the instructions which can be found Here. You must be signed in and an active CPS member to access the form.

The following info is asked for and must be included. If not included your request will be rejected until a new corrected submission is received. You will lose your place in line- this could affect the mentor you are assigned to.




Camera Brand you plan to shoot with

Your level of experience – beginner/intermediate/advanced

Availability—days/evenings/weekends, etc. If you will be away when your requested mentor is available, request someone else. DO NOT request a mentor that is not available when you are!!!!

Each mentee can request up to three mentors in order of request.

How do I find out who my mentor is?

You will be contacted directly by your mentor. How they contact you is up to the mentor it may be by phone, email, or text. All communications about where and when shoots are up to the mentor. You are expected to RSVP for each, and are, unless there is an unforeseen circumstance, be at all mentoring shoots or sessions. You should hear from your mentor by Friday, April 15, 2024.

What information is needed by my mentor?

Mentors will need an email and cell phone number. ASAP, add your mentor to your contacts to avoid missing communications. Your mentor will recieve this info as part of the sign up process gathered from your request.

CPS asks that each mentee carry the the following.

An envelope with your name and the name of an emergency contact with their phone number on the outside of the envelope. This should be with you-not in your car- at all times during a mentoring session. Inside of the sealed envelope, the following information should be on a sheet of papera.

a. Full name and address with emergency contact and phone number
b. Medical Conditions, prescription drugs, and allergies
c. Insurance info if you have it, copies of cards are excellent.

In case of emergency, this sealed envelope will be handed to EMS personnel. No one else will see it. Make sure if you have already done this in the past that the information is current.