Mentor/Mentee Night September 10th
Join us on September 10th to meet your next mentor! Our club members volunteer to take you under their wing for 10-12 weeks, offering their talent, expertise and knowledge about their genre of photography. After hearing each mentor, and seeing their work, you will be able to request the mentor of your choice. Mentors will guide the mentees to making better photos and the skills needed to get there. You must be a member to participate in this program. For more information click here.
Change in Number of Photojournalism Entries Permitted
Last season a decision was made to increase the number of entries permitted for Photojournalism nights from five to seven. However, the change was not made in ShutterScore or this website. That has been corrected. Seven photos can now be entered for a Photojournalism night.
Field Trip Gallery
Members are encouraged to submit photos from the many filed trips sponsored by the Cleveland Photographic Society. Email photos to and include “Field Trip” in the Subject line. Share your experience with the other members of the club and visitors to our website. Click here to go to the Field Trip Gallery.